Selected Scientific Articles

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A Little Word That Means a Lot: A Reassessment of Singular They in a New Era of Gender Politics.” (with Juliet A. Williams). Gender & Society. vol. 36, no. 1 (Winter 2022): 5-31.

Gender, Power, and Harassment: Sociology in the #MeToo Era.”(with Mallory Rees). Annual Review of Sociology. Vol. 47 (Summer 2021): 417-35.

“Reassessing Gender Neutrality.” (with Juliet A. Williams and Mallory Rees). Law & Society Review. vol. 54, no. 1 (Winter 2020): 7-32.

“Reimagining Gender: Gender Neutrality in the News.”  (with Juliet A. Williams). Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. vol. 44, no. 2 (Winter 2019): 465-489.

“Europeanization or National Specificity? Legal Approaches to Sexual Harassment in France, 2002-2012.” Law & Society Review. vol. 52, no. 1 (March 2018): 140-171.

“‘I Would Never Want to be an Only Wife’: The Role of Discursive Networks and Post-Feminist Discourse in Reframing Polygamy.” (with Nicole Iturriaga) Social Problems. vol. 64, no. 3 (February 2017): 333-350.

“Culture, Health, and Bigotry: How Exposure to Cultural Accounts of Fatness Shape Attitudes About Health Risk, Health Policies, and Weight-Based Prejudice.” (with David Frederick and Kjerstin Gruys) Social Science and Medicine. vol. 165 (September 2016): 271-279.

“Effects of Competing News Media Frames of Weight on Antifat Stigma, Beliefs about Weight, and Support for Obesity-Related Policies.” (with David Frederick, Gaganyjot Sandhu, and Traci Mann.)  International Journal of Obesity. vol. 40, no. 3 (March 2016): 543-549.

“Coming Out of the Shadows: Harnessing a Cultural Schema to Advance the Undocumented Immigrant Youth Movement.” (with Laura Enriquez).  American Journal of Cultural Sociology. vol. 4, no. 1 (February 2016): 107-130.

“How to Describe it? Why the Term ‘Coming Out’ Means Different Things in the U.S. and France.” (with Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer) Sociological Forum. vol. 29, no. 4 (2014): 808-829.

Reporting Risk, Producing Prejudice: How News Reporting on Obesity Shapes Attitudes about Health Risk, Policy, and Prejudice.” (with David Frederick, and Kjerstin Gruys.) Social Science and Medicine. vol. 111 (June 2014): 125-133.

Gendered Homophobia and the Contradictions of Workplace Discrimination for Women in the Building Trades“(with Amy Denissen) Gender & Society.  vol. 28, no. 3 (June 2014): 381-403.

 Coming Out as Fat: Rethinking Stigma. ” (with Anna Ward) Social Psychology Quarterly. vol. 74, no. 1 (March 2011): 53-75.

 Social Problem Construction and National Context: News Reporting on ‘Overweight’ and ‘Obesity’ in the U.S. and France.” (with Kjerstin Gruys and Shanna Gong)  Social Problems. vol. 57, no. 4 (November 2010): 586-610.

Morality and Health: News Media Constructions of Overweight and Eating Disorders.” (with Kjerstin Gruys)Social Problems. vol 57, no. 2 (May 2010): 231-250.

Fat in the Fire? Science, the News Media, and the ‘Obesity Epidemic‘.” (With Rene Almeling). Sociological Forum. vol. 23, no. 1 (March 2008): 53-83.

The Epidemiology of Overweight and Obesity: Public Health Crisis or Moral Panic? ” (With Paul Campos, Paul Ernsberger, Eric Oliver, and Glen Gaesser).  International Journal of Epidemiology. vol. 35, no. 1 (February 2006): 55-60.

Constructing Social Problems in an Age of Globalization: A French-American Comparison.” (With Rodney Benson)  American Sociological Review. vol. 70, no. 2 (April 2005): 233-259.

Weighing Both Sides: Morality, Mortality and Framing Contests over Obesity.” (With Kevin W. Riley)  Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law. vol. 30, no. 5 (October 2005): 869-921.

International Crossways: Traffic in Sexual Harassment Policy.” European Journal of Women’s Studies. vol. 9, no. 3 (2002): 249-267.

Employment Discrimination or Sexual Violence?: Defining Sexual Harassment in French and American Law.” Law and Society Review. vol. 34 no. 4 (2000): 1091-1128.

Puritanism and Promiscuity? Sexual Attitudes in France and the United States.” Comparative Social Research. vol. 18 (1999): 227-247.